“At Toby’s, Joseph is superbly realized by Wood Van Meter, a Toby’s newcomer. Van Meter conveys his character as an innocent son and trusting brother whoevolves into an honest, ethical young man, both strong in faith and fearlessly brave. Van Meter has a fine singing voice, dramatically displayed in “Close Every Door,” in which he expresses anguish at his fate in jail, coupled with faith as an ultimate reward. His delivery of perhaps the score’s most familiar song, “Any Dream Will Do,” earns the distinction its prominence in the show suggests.”
-Baltimore Sun
“The omnipresent narrator is of course joined by Wood Van Meter in the title role. Van Meter has the stage presence and soaring voice required to make the role his own. I have heard many renditions of Joseph’s big anthems, “Close Every Door” and Any Dream Will Do,” but I’d say Van Meter’s are among the best I have encountered. Joseph must come off as humble and unassuming while possessing the gift of dream interpretation, traits that endear him to his father but not his brood of brothers; Van Meter finds that delicate balance.”
-DC Theatre Scene